Sunday, July 5, 2009

Birthday sundaes

For my son's birthday, I gave him the choice; Sesame Street or Mickey Mouse (two favorites) and he chose Sesame Street. So I borrowed the same idea that my mother had just a couple of years ago for my sister's birthday (see how young you are, sis?). I changed up a couple things and these are the Oscars that I came up with:

Chocolate chip cookies

Green Ice Cream ( I asked a local independent custard stand to make me a batch of green Vanilla - it never hurts to ask) Thank you Greg's Custard

Small Eyes - ordered from - next time I would get the medium eyes

melting chocolate disks - use milk chocolate for Oscar (the color is more authentic)

White cups

Black and Green food coloring spray cans

Spray the white cups with green and then black to look like a trash can - or do all black. Let dry and make the eye/eyebrow pieces.

Melt chocolate and put in a pastry bag (I use paper throw-away triangles). Make a chocolate squiggle for the eyebrow and immediately press in the eyes before it hardens. If the eyebrow doesn't turnout, you can always re-melt and try again. Let the eyebrow pieces harden and make the sundaes.

Scoop the ice cream into the cup to leave a gap visible once the cookie is placed on top. Place cookie at an angle on top and press eyebrow piece into the front. Refreeze until ready to serve.


  1. Very cute! It was so many "couples" of years ago that I barely remember!

  2. Those are the CUTEST little Oscars I have ever seen!! I absolutely love them!! You are super creative, or should I say your ENTIRE family is so creative!! :)
